3/1 — Presenting our comic
Today, we presented our final comic design to our client.
Based off the comments of our colleagues, we continued and expanded upon our idea for a story-based comic that brought humor and playfulness to the COVID testing policy on WPI’s campus. We worked to create something that was both informational and fun enough that our audience of WPI students would take the time to give it a read.

The first page of the comic gives students of series of Do’s and Don’ts for taking on-campus COVID tests. While the Do’s are serious and purely focused on being informational, the Don’ts are used to provide a playful, comedic aspect to the testing experience.
As such, the left side is juxtaposed to the right, creating a dichotomy that makes the comic both informationally useful and enjoyably fun to read.

The second and third pages were used to expand upon our original story-telling concept. The two pages represent the same test but from the perspectives of an “amateur” and a “veteran.” While the amateur portrays a student that is scared and intimidated by the process, the veteran actually enjoys it. We used this setup to convey the idea that although the test could be daunting at first, it’s really not as bad as it seems.
We maintained similar comedic material to exaggerate the perspectives of each student and to separate the stories from the informational material. We used similar hyperbole with the cotton swab to make it stand out and amplify the non-serious nature of the scenes.
LAST BLOG: https://paradoxpyt.medium.com/2-25-choosing-a-path-edb82b565947